#5 Story Boarding

Story Boarding

In six different squares we had to describe with pictures or drawings these words:
background, idea, marketing, operations, finance, results.


According to the story of one of the main founders, Antun Skurić. He was just with his friends talking about music and one day, one of them had the idea of "Guitar Friends", at the beginning all of them were defining the main problems.For Antun the problem was that when it was starting to learn it was a little difficult because the basic knowledge takes a lot of time. Thats why in my drawing is saying that "its difficult".


According to the story of one of the main founders, Antun Skurić. He was just with his friends talking about music and one day, one of them had the idea of "Guitar Friends", at the beginning all of them were defining the main problems.For Antun the problem was that when it was starting to learn it was a little difficult because the basic knowledge takes a lot of time. Thats why in my drawing, he is suffering.
 Then, in my imagination I thought that probably someone got injured for months and that person stopped practicing, so he lost the skills but with "guitar friend", the person could practice again. 


Guitar friend gives their customers the opportunity to learn how to play the guitar.

Place: They could sell their product in universities, academics by amazon or another famous page.
Product: the device (until now its just a prototype), they don't have any packing.
Promotion: They are just promoting by their social media (twitter and Facebook).
Price:  until now, they don't any price. But they guess that the price could be around 300-500 USD. Until now the haven't think in any list price, discounts, payment period, etc.


I was thinking that for now, they just need to fix it and change some details. After that they can find a manufacturing company, where they can produce more devices. 


They will find a page where they could sell their devices, also some alliances with some universities and academies. 


In this square, I was thinking in the slogan which I created "Don't stop, follow the music". I was thinking in Laura, that finally she is playing in a famous fest with her band.
