#9 Prototype


This is one of my favorites, so ... I'm glad to talk about this part, "Prototype". We took about thirty minutes to finish it.
The idea was to represent how we could improve the idea of the device / service / app / etc of our company, "Guitar Friend" and made a prototype with some stuffs that Tina gave us.
It was really crazy because we just had some materials like cardboard boxes, plastic bags, plastic straws, many scissors (in one moment all of them disappeared), etc.

The idea of our prototype was to let the costumers to use their devices in a easier way, this consists in let them use their phones for update their playlist and with a small adapter, they can put in the nut of the guitar and see the notes of the song. By a wireless system, the phone can synchronize with the device that is in the "sound hole" playing with the strings.
