#8 Redesign / Design

Redesign / Design 


The product is:
  • Heavier for disabled people. The customer's neck/back might feel exhausted due to the weight of the guitar, because of his handicap.
  • It is still a prototype. 
  • It is not attractive.
  • The device just can play two songs. 
  • The screen is easy to use but slow. 
The service is:
  • Until now they don't have a place where they can sell the product. 
  • The customer is forced to play scripted songs and can't improvise while playing.
  • In case the customer does a mistake, it might be difficult for her/him to stop & start the device again, for example to repeat a part of the song or to practice specific parts.
  • The device offers two languages (english and Croatian).
The experience is:
  • I think that is a good idea of Guitar Friend of create this kind of device that let the people with disabilities to play the guitar. The experience of this people is grateful, because Guitar Friend give them back the opportunity to don't stop and follow the music.

As Antun Skurić said in the talk, they are still redesigning the device. There are many things that they need to consider and change:
Device: trying to find the opportunity to do add a wireless system.
Service: probably create an app where they can let their customers to update their songs playlist. 
Experience: They should take more care of their social media because there they can pay attention of their feedback that the customers could give them.
