#2 Word Associations

Word Association

Word Association is to give more than ten words related to one of the six words mentioned in the last exercise ("What is the idea?"). 
In the Guitar Friend's Team, we chose the most important word, this was "Guitar" and we got these words:
  • Metal
  • Music
  • Lessons
  • Hands
  • Play
  • Hero
  • Rock
  • Crazy
  • Charisma 
  • Guy
  • Wood
  • Concert
  • Instrument
After to have the list of words, the next step was to choose five words of the list that represent more the company, and find some pictures which could describe them. 
 My words were: 
                Hands          Hero          Play            Crazy            Charisma 

The word "Hands" reminds me how the fingers of a hand are playing with the strings  to the rhythm of the song.
2. Hero 

The word "Hero" reminds me the famous guitar player, Slash. For many people he is their  hero. I think that we can use his music to get attention of the customers.

3. Play
The word "Play" reminds me that we can play wherever we want. We don't have limits. That is why in the picture is someone lying in the park

4. Crazy
The word "Crazy" reminds me that sometimes we need to have adventure in our life. Guitar friend let the people believe that they can have this kind of adventure. Never give up to our crazy dreams.

5. Charisma

The word "Charisma" reminds me, that if we already found that "Guitar Friends" gave us the opportunity to learn how to play the guitar, why not to share it with some else? to have the charisma of share some incredible moments, ideas, tools.

